The Ginza Tanaka jewellery store has joined forces with the well-known Walt Disney brand to promote an online game in which one lucky player can win the golden treasure.

The game comes with a film on DVD starring Hollywood actor Nicholas Cage.
Ginza Tanaka - a long established jewellers in Japan - assigned ten of its craftsmen and spent three months creating the Mickey Mouse statuette, using one kilogram (35.3 ounces) of pure gold.
Its estimated value, if placed on sale, would be more than 30-thousand US dollars.
The President of Ginza Tanaka, Noboru Takata called the golden Mickey Mouse as ''priceless''.
''We need to be a company that sells dreams and bring happiness to people,'' he said.
The 120 millimetre tall Mickey Mouse is now on display at Ginza Tanaka stores. The treasure hunt starts on Thursday.
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